Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Ringkasan " Citilink to add more flights during Idul Fitri The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Business | Sat, May 24 2014, 12:23 PM"

Citilink president director Arif Wibowo said the carrier would focus on increasing the amount of flights on three of their routes from Halim, and would also be adding two new flight routes, mostly in the 10 days before and after Idul Fitri, which is estimated to fall on July 28 this year.

The number of flights that will be increased from Halim fly to Yogyakarta, Semarang (Central Java) and Palembang (South Sumatra). The carrier will also add two new flight routes to Medan (North Sumatra) and Denpasar (Bali) from Jakarta’s secondary airport.

Arif anticipates an additional 30,000 passengers from as soon as July 18, who are mostly participating in the annual mass exodus of Jakartans to their hometowns across the archipelago during the Idul Fitri season.

Aside from the increased flights, Arif added that four leased Airbus A320s would be added to the carrier’s armada between June and August.

Citilink is expecting a total of eight additional Airbus A320s this year, and is targeting 8.2 million passengers on 11,000 to 12,000 flights by the end of 2014.

As an additional marketing effort, Citilink partnered with giant retailer Carrefour Indonesia to open ticket sales counters, where customers could purchase Citilink tickets at Carrefour stores.

The inaugural sales counter was opened at Carrefour Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta on Friday.

Other plans that the low-cost carrier has include opening and developing new domestic routes from Jakarta to Palu (Central Sulawesi) and Manado (North Sulawesi) in the second half of the year.

Arif also said the carrier might open regional routes in the fourth quarter of the year.

Possible regional routes include Singapore and Johor Bahru in Malaysia, with the possibility of an Australian city as well.

Citilink flies 138 flights per day to 24 cities nationwide. When the company operated as its own business entity in 2012, it only operated 56 flights per day. (dyl)

Ringkasan " ICBC Indonesia issues UnionPay credit cards The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Business | Thu, May 22 2014, 11:11 AM"

Private lender PT Bank ICBC Indonesia has issued a new credit card in collaboration with China’s bank card organization UnionPay, targeting Indonesians who often travel to the world’s second-largest economy.

The number of Indonesians traveling to China is estimated to reach 600,000 every year.

UnionPay cards can reportedly be used in more than 140 countries across the globe and are second to Visa in term of the value of transaction.

ICBC Indonesia is a relative newcomer to credit card products, launching its credit card program only in 2011 — four years after its presence in the country began in 2007.

ICBC Indonesia had since 2011 issued around 10,000 cards to its 5,000 customers in the country.

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), which has a 97.83 percent share in ICBC Indonesia, has issued a total of 580 million cards worldwide, with 88 million being credit cards at the end of 2013.

In addition, Yensen said around 25 to 30 percent of credit card transactions by ICBC Indonesia customers were made overseas. Roughly, around 80 to 90 percent of the transactions were retail.

According to him, one of the advantages of the UnionPay card was that it was more widely accepted by merchants in China.

According to an unaudited report submitted to Bank Indonesia, ICBC Indonesia’s total outstanding loans reached Rp 20.81 trillion as of March 2014.

ICBC Indonesia’s outstanding loans in the credit card segment are still below 10 percent. (dyl)

Ringkasan " 11-hour KPK search at Religious Affairs Ministry The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Business | Fri, May 23 2014, 2:10 PM "

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) conducted a raid on the office of the Religious Affairs Ministry, resulting in a search that lasted more than 11 hours, in an effort to find new evidence in relation to the naming of Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali as a suspect in an alleged corruption case surrounding the 2012-2013 haj program.
“We want to thoroughly probe various important pieces of information in order to explore the case completely,” KPK deputy chairman Bambang Widjojanto said as quoted by on Friday.
KPK investigators began the raid on Thursday night in several rooms on the fifth level of the ministry’s office on Jl. Lapangan Banten, Central Jakarta, including a room used by Anggito Abimanyu, the ministry’s director general for the haj and umrah (minor haj). The raid was said to be still ongoing as of Friday morning.
KPK investigators also searched rooms used by Suryadharma and Nur Syam, who is the ministry’s secretary-general, as well as Burhanudin, chief of the ministry’s general affairs bureau.
Suryadharma and three other ministry officials remained onsite while the KPK conducted its search, during which several plastic bags full of documents were confiscated.
KPK deputy chairman Busyro Muqoddas said that Suryadharma was not the only official implicated in the graft case, which has been under investigation for the past three months.
In February, the KPK said its investigation was focused on three areas: the procurement of goods and services in the haj pilgrimage program in 2012-2013; the management of haj funds in 2012-2013; and the provision of haj facilities to individuals who were not entitled to them.

Tugas 3 Something we should or shouldn't do and can or can't do

1.     Library
·        You are expected to read some books.
·        You are not expected talk too loud there.
·        You are allowed to study there.
·        You are not allowed to steal books there.
2.     Museum
·        You are supposed to follow the rule in the museum.
·        You are not supposed to ruin semething in the museum.
·        You are allowed to looking around there.
·        You are not allowed to trash in museum.
3.     Restaurant
·        You are expected to eat some food or drink there.
·        You are not expected to trash in restaurant.
·        You are allowed to order some food and drink.
·        You are not to smoke in the restaurant.
4.     Tram
·        You are supposed have a ticket for ascend a tram.
·        You are not supposed to run in the tram.
·        You are permitted to sitdown in the tram.
·        You are not permitted to smoke in the tram.
5.     Park
·        You are expected to keep the cleaning in the park.
·        You are not expected to trash in the park.
·        You are permitted to play with your friend.
·        You are not permitted to wreck plants in the park.

Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

"Perusahaan Habibie mau produksi 400 pesawat turbo pada 2016 " - Perusahaan manufaktur pesawat milik BJ Habibie, PT Regio Aviasi Industri (RAI) berencana untuk memproduksi 400  pesawat turbo propeller pada 2016. Pesawat bernama R-80 tersebut bakal memiliki mesin pendorong berkekuatan lima ribu tenaga kuda (horse power).

"Dia (R-80) sudah kami konsep memiliki tenaga turbo yang didukung kekuatan baling-baling di kedua sayapnya," terang Presiden Direktur PT RAI Agung Nugroho dalam diskusi Ikatan Alumni Program Habibie (IABIE) di Gedung Joang '45, Jakarta, Sabtu (24/5).
Agung menjelaskan, produksi R-80 bertujuan untuk mengembalikan masa kejayaan industri dirgantara nasional. Untuk itu RAI akan menggandeng PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI), lima puluh ilmuwan di struktur pekerjaan inti, dan kementerian terkait guna merealisasikan mimpi tersebut.

"Kami terdorong membuat pesawat yang lebih canggih karena melihat keprihatinan selama 17 tahun terahir industri dirgantara domestik tidak pernah mengalami pertumbuhan yang bagus. Padahal negara-negara lainnya sedang meningkat," katanya.
Saat ini, RAI masih memersiapkan rancang bangun dan mesin pesawat. Nantinya, R-80 akan memiliki kapasitas 80-90 kursi.

"Itu sudah termasuk menyusun sertifikasinya juga. Jadi ketika memasuki tahun 2016 pesawat R-80 benar-benar siap terbang," jelasnya.

"Kami ingin PT DI bisa membuat semua pesawat komersial. Karena kami ingin membidik market share kalangan masyarakat kelas menengah di Indonesia, Eropa, Afrika dan Amerika Latin."

opini : Menurut saya rencana  PT RAI , memproduksi 400  pesawat turbo propeller pada 2016 sangat bagus ,karena dapat membantu memajukan perumbuhan industri indonesia yang sebelumnya belum mengalami pertumbuhan yang bagus.

Minggu, 18 Mei 2014

Noun Phrases

A noun phrase includes a noun—a person, place, or thing—and the modifier which distinguish it.

You can find the noun dog in a sentence, for example, but you don't know which canine the writer means until you consider the entire noun phrase: that dog, Aunt Audrey's dog, the dog on the sofa, the neighbor's dog that chases our cat, the dog digging in the new flower bed.

Modifiers can come before or after the noun. Ones that come before might include articles, possessive nouns, possessive pronoun, adjectives, and/or participles.

Articles: a dog, the dog

Possessive nouns: Aunt Audrey's dog, the neighbor's dog, the police officer'sdog

Possessive pronouns: our dog, her dog, their dog

Adjectives: that dog, the big dog, the spotted dog

Participles: the drooling dog, the barking dog, the well trained dog

Modifiers that come after the noun might include preposional phrases, adjective clauses, participle phrases, and/or infinitives. 

Prepositional phrases: a dog on the loose, the dog in the front seat, the dogbehind the fence

Adjective clauses: the dog that chases cats, the dog that looks lost, the dogthat won the championship

Participle phrases: the dog whining for a treat, the dog clipped at the grooming salon, the dog walked daily

Infinitives: the dog to catch, the dog to train, the dog to adopt

Less frequently, a noun phrase will have a pronoun as its base—a word like we, everybody, etc.—and the modifier which distinguish it.

We who were green with envy

We = subject pronoun; who were green with envy = modifier.

Someone intelligent

Someone = indefinite pronoun; intelligent = modifier.

No one important

No one = indefinite pronoun; important = modifier.

Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

BNI Gelar "BNI Taplus Anak Goes To Disneyland Tokyo" Jumat, 2 Mei 2014 | 19:28 WIB

JAKARTA, - PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI) menggelar program "BNI Taplus Anak Goes to Tokyo Disneyland", yaitu lomba menggambar dengan hadiah berwisata ke Tokyo.

Program yang digelar tersebut merupakan bentuk apresiasi BNI bagi nasabah muda BNI untuk terus menggunakan produk-produk unggulan BNI salah satunya adalah BNI Taplus Anak. Produk simpanan ini adalah tabungan yang diperuntukkan bagi anak dan remaja sampai usia 17 tahun guna menumbuhkan budaya menabung bagi anak-anak usia dini.

Program BNI Taplus Anak Goes To Tokyo Disneyland merupakan kampanye BNI untuk terus meningkatkan kesadaran menabung sejak usia dini di Indonesia.

"Kesadaran menabung usia dini di Indonesia masih cukup rendah hingga saat ini, kami berharap melalui program-program BNI Taplus Anak yang sedang berlangsung maupun yang akan segera kami luncurkan dapat kembali meningkatkan kesadaran menabung usia dini di Indonesia," ujar Darmadi dalam keterangan resminya, Jumat (2/5/2014).

Hingga saat ini, total dana pihak ketiga (DPK) untuk BNI Taplus Anak mencapai Rp 1,25 triliun dengan total nasabah sebanyak 698.962 nasabah.

opini : Merurut saya program "BNI Taplus Anak Goes to Tokyo Disneyland" yang diselenggarakan oleh PT Bank Negara Indonesian ( BNI ), sudah bagus karena dapat memicu kesadaran anak dan remaja menumbuhkan budaya menabung sejak usia dini di Indonesia.


I. In the following sentences supply the articles (a, an or the) if they are necessary. If no article is necessary, write Ø.

1. Jason’s father bought him a bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
2. The statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from Ø France to The United States.
3. Rita is studying an English and Ø math this semester.
4. The judged asked a witness to tell the truth.
5. A big books on the table are for my history class.
6. When you go to the store, please buy a bottle of Ø chocolate milk and Ø dozen orange.
7. There are only a seats left for Ø tonight’s musical at Ø University.
8. What did you eat for Ø breakfast this morning ?
9. Rita plays Ø violin and her sister plays a guitar.
10. The chair that you are sitting is broken.

II. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of other.

1. This pen isn’t working. Please give me another
2. If you’re still thirsty, I’ll make another pot of coffee.
3. This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me another
4. He doesn’t need those books. He needs the others
5. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and the others are from otherscountries.
6. Six people are in the store. Two were buying meat. Others was looking at magazines. Others was eating a candy bar. The others were walking around looking for more food.
7. This glass of milk is sour. Another glass of milk is sour too.
8. The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice. Another was marching; another was at attention; and the other was practicing combat tactics.
9. There are seven students from Japan. Others are from Iran, and the others are from others places.
10. We looked at cars today. The first two we far too expensive, but the other ones were reasonably priced